Thursday, July 3, 2008

Quick... Push Him Back In!

Hello World! I have arrived. Where I am, I'm not quite sure. Anyhow, we'll see if this thing can grow some legs.

What can you expect? Hopefully some quickwitted commentary on the world of sports as we know it. My qualifications: I don't really have any.

Topics coming your way include some of my personal favorites (because, this is all about me anyways). That means we'll cover major sporting events plus my personal favorite... Fantasy Baseball and Football.

Oh, and if I want... we'll also talk a little politics and whatever else may be on my mind.

That's all for now. Peace out.

1 comment:

Ole said...

What's the over/under you'll exceed "Lets Talk Sports" 29 contributions to the blogosphere? I might want some of that action :)