Tuesday, January 6, 2009

If you think I ramble!

So, if you know me... which if there is anyone out there actually reading this... then I'm almost positive you know me. I mean, who on earth would spend time on this page right now if you didn't actually know me. Actually, truth be told... if you know me, you're probably not reading this anyhow either.

So, anyway... about me and rambling. In short, it happens. A lot. Actually all the time. I don't know how it starts. One word just leads to another... and another... and another. Before you know it, you have a full paragraph that could have ended after ten words.
I mean... and god help the poor girl I doop into actually walking down the aisle towards me... but, I'll be the one guy whose vows could be summed up with an "I love you" but end up a few pages short of War and Peace.

But, I regress. What I'm saying is if you like Joe Posnanski... read this. Great article about Herm Edwards. Plus, he gives a shout out to some hard working bloggers at Upon Further Review.

P.S. Moral of the story... Posnanski rambles.

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